Building Date:
Transfer of Ownership:
• This barn was built in July, 1898 while William Rafferty was farming the land.
• The Rafferty Family formally owned the land from 1890-1918.
• Charles and Cassie Studeman purchased the property in April, 1918.
• They actively farmed the land until 1947.
• Arthur Studeman, their son, ran the farm operation until 1958.
• The farm changed hands several times between between 1958-1995.
• Earl and Loretta Schultz, Zane Hunter, and Donald Sayman were several of the owners.
• Terry Radigon purchased the property in 1995. He passed away in 2016, leaving the property to a family member.
• The Rafferty Family formally owned the land from 1890-1918.
• Charles and Cassie Studeman purchased the property in April, 1918.
• They actively farmed the land until 1947.
• Arthur Studeman, their son, ran the farm operation until 1958.
• The farm changed hands several times between between 1958-1995.
• Earl and Loretta Schultz, Zane Hunter, and Donald Sayman were several of the owners.
• Terry Radigon purchased the property in 1995. He passed away in 2016, leaving the property to a family member.
Present Owner & Present Status:
This property owner’s identity is unknown at this time.
Pratt, B., & Pratt, J. (2004). Wells barns: J.T. Wells & Sons, Scottsville, NY 1886-1942: Barns still standing. Bloomfield, NY: Bob and Judy Pratt.